The Democracy Plan Program

    • One of LPL’s first initiatives was to assemble a group of cities and counties to join its inaugural Democracy Cohort. Participating policymakers obtained real-time support to (a) determine their cities’ democracy priorities, (b) identify gaps in available resources, and (c) articulate potential solutions.

    • LPL now provides individualized Democracy Plans to support local governments in their implementation of democracy priorities.These priorities may include (i) election-related reforms, such as facilitating easier registration and voting access; (ii) providing support, training and protection to election officials; (iii) education and support for democracy-minded reforms like ranked-choice voting or participatory budgeting; (iv) improving information reliability; (v) increased access to equitable civics education, and (vi) exploring ways to financially support the work, including through federal and state [appropriations amongst other potential solutions.

    • LPL is currently onboarding several additional local governments for individualized support and Democracy Plan development.

  • Initial participating cities include:

    Aledo, TX

    Boston, MA

    Cambridge, MD

    Green Bay, WI

    Fort Collins, CO

    Lancaster, PA

    Milwaukee, WI

    Oklahoma City, OK

    Philadelphia, PA

    Seattle, WA

Meet Our Inaugural Cohort Cities