Greater Houston Area Regional Cohort

Voter turnout in the Greater Houston region is below the national average, especially in off-year, non-presidential elections. In Harris County, only about 1 million people out of 2.4 million voted in the 2022 midterms, or about 43% or registered voters- lower than the 52% who voted in 2018. 

The problem is not only that too few people vote. It’s about what gets decided in communities. When only a small group of people vote, the loudest voices, often those with strong opinions on one side or the other, are heard. When people feel they have agency in their local government, their trust and participation increases. That's why we’re committed to giving everyone a chance to vote.

Greater Houston Area Cohort

LPL is assembling a cohort of Houston-area cities to implement strategies that increase voter participation and awareness. In assembling the Greater Houston Area Regional Cohort (GHAC), we’re supporting local governments through the November 2024 general election. 

By targeting voter education throughout the Houston region, residents will be empowered with the knowledge and tools they need to participate actively in our democracy.

We are inviting additional local governments to join the Greater Houston Democracy Cohort. Cohort membership brings several benefits:

  1. Direct support and financial assistance.  Local Policy Lab staff will help develop voter engagement strategies (e.g. mailers, public service announcements, in-person field work) and assist local governments with implementation at no cost.

  2. Connection with other local leaders and organizations. Participants will learn about voter engagement and education practices that are being implemented in neighboring cities.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Project Manager - Greater Houston Area, Amatullah Contractor at